On the Journey with Jesus

Nashua Church of Christ

97 Farley Rd

Nashua, NH 03063


Meeting Times


10:00 am Bible Classes for children and adults

11:00 am Worship

(Contact us for Zoom link)

Who We Are

We are a people committed to following Christ Jesus. None of us are perfect - the church is a group of people in the process of healing from sin and its effects. We strive to be more like Jesus through the power of the Spirit in us, knowing that we can only fully accomplish this when He returns for us.

We aim to make you feel welcome to worship the Lord with us. Our attire runs from casual to dress casual. Come in the front door and up the stairs (or use the lift) to our auditorium and sit where you like.

We are wheelchair accessible with ramps and a lift. We welcome those with special needs.

In our Sunday worship we’ll sing acapella, be led in prayer, read from the Bible, take communion, listen to a sermon about God’s word, and pray for special requests.

What to Expect When You Visit

What We Believe

The Bible tells us who God is and who we are. Yes, the Bible can be hard to understand because it is God’s message to us and God is infinitely greater than we are. The more we interact with the Bible, the more we can love and appreciate God.

From the Bible we know that…

God is one being, in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. 

God created us. He wants to pour out his loving nature all He has created. He gave us freedom to choose to love Him and follow His design or to follow our own way.  Sin is when we oppose God, it separates us from God, and it distorts our relationship to Him and all He's created.

Jesus came to renew us to be children of God. By believing in Jesus we become God’s children.

We receive grace and mercy through Jesus. Grace is God’s favor. Mercy is God’s forgiveness. These are not earned, they are freely given.

Jesus died and rose again to give us grace and mercy. Because He did not sin, He could pay the price of our sins and earn forgiveness for us. That’s what He did on the cross. He did not remain dead, but was raised from the dead so that we can have new life and be with God.

It’s up to us to accept His gift of salvation. We accept salvation through belief, submission to God, and baptism.

Jesus is coming back for us. We eagerly look forward to the day Jesus returns and takes us to be with Him in His kingdom. There will be no more death, sorrow tears, or pain for those who are His. Hallelujah!

Contact us.

(603) 889-0979

97 Farley Rd
Nashua, NH 03063